Laccyfettay Admin replied

293 weeks ago

The Six Million Dollar Man Full Movie 720p Download

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a5c7b9f00b After a crippled test pilot is rebuilt with nuclear powered limbs and implants, he servesa unique intelligence agent.
Air Force Colonel Steve Austin, an astronaut who had walked on the moon, is almost killed in a plane crash. Many of his damaged parts are replaced by experimental bionic limbs, including his right arm, his left eye, and both legs. These bionics give him superpowers suchincreased speed and strength and the ability to see long distances. To pay the U.S. Government back the six million dollars it cost to rebuild him, Austin goes to work for the Office of Scientific Investigationan Agent, investigating foreign spies, mad scientists, bombers, space aliens, and Bigfoot.
This is one of the ways you can tell you're getting old: when someone says the name "Steve Austin." Do you think of a bald wrestler rolling around on the mat groping other guys, or Lee Majors moving in slow motion and squinting? I think of the latter.<br/><br/>"The Six Million Dollar Man" is one of the first shows I remember watchinga child. I watched the shows, I played with the toys, I wanted to BE Steve Austin. Lee Majors (along with Clint Eastwood) proved that some people look so cool when they squint. I look like I need my prescription checked when I do it, but I'm not Lee Majors. Steve Austin could handle anything they threw at him, not just because of his bionics, but because he was smart, he never gave up and always kept his cool. I still want to be like him when I grow up.<br/><br/>Recently, I've seen some episodes on the Sci-Fi Channel. Sure, the 1970s fashions are a little jarring (polyester rules!), and sometimes the plots are juvenile, but overall the show holds up pretty well. It could be very intelligent when it wanted to be, funny when it was called for, and always exciting and fun. It reminds me of a time when six million dollars was a lot of money, and American technology could produce wonders like a functional cyborg.<br/><br/>Yeah, I'll take Lee Majors over the bald wrestling guy any day. After all, how many wrestlers could take on spies, terrorists, aliens, Bigfoot, a killer Venus probe and Sonny Bono and live to tell the tale?
I bought the DVD of #4 of SMDM series yesterdaya nostalgia of the 70s' when I was a ten year old kid. (SMDM was also aired in HK) As a kid I was totally absorbed and amazed by the stories, but now things have changed. I found the plot just too naive and stereotypic. Villains were always Russians or foreigners. African Americans were always the subordinates. "We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first bionic man." can reveal the eccentricity of the USAthe world's first power at that time. Now I understand why the Hawks had the belief that USA would finally win the Vietnam war. Also, stories were written without much research. In the episode Population:Zero, Steve Austin wore a spacesuit to probe into the all-silent city! If the case had been classified and reached the Washington level, why couldn't they send a whole team of specialists with biochemical hazard proof clothings? (as in Outbreak)

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last edited 216 weeks ago by Laccyfettay
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